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Kreditabwicklung Mitarbeiter:in (all genders)
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} @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { #m4j_inserat .m4j_header .m4j_text {padding-right: 3rem !important ; padding-bottom: 2rem !important ; padding-left: 3rem !important ; padding-top: 2rem !important ; } #m4j_inserat .m4j_benefits > div.m4j_zzel_div {font-size: 9px !important ; } #m4j_inserat .m4j_benefits img.m4j_zzel_img {width: 30px !important ; } #m4j_inserat .m4j_header .m4j_bild {background-position: top !important ; } #m4j_inserat .m4j_footer {flex-wrap: wrap !important ; gap: 1rem !important ; } } </style> <div id="m4j_inserat" class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_header m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern m4j_bild"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <img src="" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"> </div> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern m4j_headersplit"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern m4j_text"> <img class="m4j_logo m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img" src=""> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern m4j_description" itemprop="description"> Schlagen Sie Ihren Karriereweg ein! </div> </div> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern m4j_headerborder"></div> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern m4j_content"> <h1 class="m4j_zzel_h1 m4j_stern">Kreditabwicklung Mitarbeiter:in (all genders)</h1> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern m4j_facts"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <img src="" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <span class="m4j_stern"><strong class="m4j_stern">Dienstort: </strong><span class="m4j_stern"> </span></span> <span class="m4j_stern">Schwaz</span> </div> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <img src="" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <span class="m4j_stern"><strong class="m4j_stern">Arbeitszeitausmaß: </strong><span class="m4j_stern"> </span></span> <span class="m4j_stern">Vollzeit</span> </div> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <img src="" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <span class="m4j_stern"><strong class="m4j_stern">Berufsfeld: </strong><span class="m4j_stern"> </span></span> <span class="m4j_stern">Finance / Controlling / Accounting</span> </div> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <img src="" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <span class="m4j_stern"><strong class="m4j_stern">Unternehmen: </strong><span class="m4j_stern"> </span></span> <span class="m4j_stern">Sparkasse Schwaz AG</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern m4j_benefits"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <img src="" alt="Work-Life-Balance" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"> </div> <br class="m4j_stern">Work-Life-Balance </div> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <img src="" alt="Mobile Work" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"> </div> <br class="m4j_stern">Mobile Work </div> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <img src="" alt="Mitarbeiterrabatte" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"> </div> <br class="m4j_stern">Mitarbeiterrabatte </div> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <img src="" alt="Erfolg durch Vielfalt" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"> </div> <br class="m4j_stern">Erfolg durch Vielfalt </div> </div> </div> </div> <div itemprop="description" class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <p class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_p">Die Sparkasse Schwaz ist die führende Bank für Privatkunden und mittelständische Firmenkunden im Bezirk Schwaz. Wir gestalten die Zukunft unserer Region und dafür benötigen wir Mitarbeiter mit Herz und Verstand - Menschen wie Sie.</p> </div> <div itemprop="description" class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <p class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_p">Wir suchen ab sofort eine Mitarbeiter:in in unserer Kreditabteilung.</p> </div> <h3 itemprop="responsibilities-title" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_h3">Ihre Tasks</h3> <div itemprop="responsibilities" class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <ul class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_ul"> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Erfassung von Finanzierungen samt Sicherheiten im System</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Erstellung von Kreditverträgen samt Nachträgen</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Kontrolltätigkeiten im Finanzierungsbereich</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Prozessentwicklung und Systemoptimierung<br class="m4j_stern"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 itemprop="qualifications-title" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_h3">Ihr Background</h3> <div itemprop="qualifications" class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <ul class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_ul"> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">fundierte Kenntnisse und mehrjährige Erfahrung in Kreditvertragsbedingungen und Kreditverwaltung vom Vorteil</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Hohe Flexibilität, Kommunikationsstärke und schnelle Auffassungsgabe</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Sie überzeugen durch Ihre Motivation und Lernbereitschaft</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Teamfähig</li> </ul> </div> <h3 itemprop="jobBenefits-title" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_h3">Unser Angebot</h3> <div itemprop="jobBenefits" class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <p class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_p">Wir bieten Ihnen einen interessanten Arbeitsplatz in einem einzigartigen Team. Mit unserem modernen Aus- und Weiterbildungsangebot stehen Ihnen viele Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und attraktive Karrierechancen offen. Unsere zahlreichen Benefits stehen für einen klaren Mehrwert in unserem Unternehmen.<br class="m4j_stern">Ihren Gehalt werden wir auf Grundlage Ihrer fachlichen und persönlichen Kompetenzen marktkonform vereinbaren. Der Sparkassenkollektivvertrag bildet dafür die Basis.<br class="m4j_stern"> </p> </div> <div itemprop="contact" class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <h3 class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_h3"></h3> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"></div> <h3 class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_h3">Kontakt</h3> <strong class="m4j_stern"> <div itemprop="contact" class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> Elke Meisburger </div> </strong> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <a class="m4j_button m4j_stern m4j_zzel_a" href="" target="_blank"> <span class="m4j_stern m4j_center">Online bewerben</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern m4j_footer"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern m4j_social"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <p class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_p"> <span class="m4j_stern"> Finden Sie uns auf: </span> </p> <p class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_p"></p> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_a"><img src="" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"></a><a href="" target="_blank" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_a"><img src="" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"></a><a href="" target="_blank" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_a"><img src="" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"></a><a href="" target="_blank" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_a"><img src="" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern m4j_siegel"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT: 988e194b60d22560b6777568b7c6b56ahJL9jpopnh 1äöüß It is used for checking whether the job is online.--> <!--/email_off--><style type="text/css"> div.job_details html,div.job_details body,div.job_details div,div.job_details span,div.job_details applet,div.job_details object,div.job_details iframe,div.job_details p,div.job_details blockquote,div.job_details pre,div.job_details a,div.job_details abbr,div.job_details acronym,div.job_details address,div.job_details big,div.job_details cite,div.job_details code,div.job_details del,div.job_details dfn,div.job_details em,div.job_details img,div.job_details ins,div.job_details kbd,div.job_details q,div.job_details s,div.job_details samp,div.job_details small,div.job_details strike,div.job_details sub,div.job_details sup,div.job_details tt,div.job_details var,div.job_details u,div.job_details i,div.job_details center,div.job_details dl,div.job_details dt,div.job_details dd,div.job_details fieldset,div.job_details form,div.job_details label,div.job_details legend,div.job_details table,div.job_details caption,div.job_details tbody,div.job_details tfoot,div.job_details thead,div.job_details tr,div.job_details th,div.job_details td,div.job_details article,div.job_details aside,div.job_details canvas,div.job_details details,div.job_details embed,div.job_details figure,div.job_details figcaption,div.job_details footer,div.job_details header,div.job_details hgroup,div.job_details menu,div.job_details nav,div.job_details output,div.job_details ruby,div.job_details section,div.job_details summary,div.job_details time,div.job_details mark,div.job_details audio,div.job_details video{border:0;font-size:1em;font:inherit;vertical-align:baseline;margin:0;padding:0;line-height:normal}div.job_details ol,div.job_details ul,div.job_details li{border:0;font-size:1em;font:inherit;vertical-align:baseline;padding:0;line-height:normal}div.job_details h1,div.job_details h2,div.job_details h3,div.job_details h4,div.job_details h5,div.job_details h6,div.job_details b,div.job_details strong{border:0;font-size:1em;font:inherit;font-weight:bolder;vertical-align:baseline;margin:0;padding:0;line-height:normal}div.job_details article,div.job_details aside,div.job_details details,div.job_details figcaption,div.job_details figure,div.job_details footer,div.job_details header,div.job_details hgroup,div.job_details menu,div.job_details nav,div.job_details section{display:block}div.job_details body{line-height:1}div.job_details ol,div.job_details ul{list-style:initial;padding-inline-start:40px;}div.job_details blockquote,div.job_details q{quotes:none}div.job_details blockquote:before,div.job_details blockquote:after,div.job_details q:before,div.job_details q:after{content:none}div.job_details table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0}div.job_details *, *:before, *:after{box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-box-sizing: content-box}div.job_details h1 { font-size: 2em; margin: .67em 0 }div.job_details h2 { font-size: 1.5em; margin: .75em 0 } div.job_details h3 { font-size: 1.17em; margin: .83em 0 } div.job_details h4, div.job_details p, div.job_details blockquote, div.job_details fieldset, div.job_details form, div.job_details dl, div.job_details dir, div.job_details menu { margin: 1.12em 0px 1.12em 0px} div.job_details ul, div.job_details ol { margin: 1.12em 1.12em 1.12em 1.12em} div.job_details h5 { font-size: .83em; margin: 1.5em 0 } div.job_details h6 { font-size: .75em; margin: 1.67em 0 } div.job_details blockquote { margin-left: 40px; margin-right: 40px } div.job_details menu, dd { margin-left: 40px } div.job_details i { font-style: italic } </style></body></html> 2024-11-29 Bezirk Schwaz Bezirk Schwaz Dieses Jobangebot wurde vor 22 Tagen veröffentlicht
Vertriebsmitarbeiter:in Jenbach und Schwaz(all genders)
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Das gilt für die Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kund:innen genauso wie mit Kolleg:innen.</p> </div> <div itemprop="description" class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <p class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_p">Wir suchen ab sofort eine engagierte Mitarbeiter:in in unserem erfolgreichen Service Team der Filiale Jenbach und Franz-Josef-Straße in Schwaz.</p> </div> <h3 itemprop="responsibilities-title" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_h3">Deine Tasks</h3> <div itemprop="responsibilities" class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <ul class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_ul"> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Du bist erste Ansprechpartner:in bei Fragen unserer Kunden am Schalter</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Du bist Kunden- und lösungsorientiert, freundlich, zuvorkommend, engagiert und gehst aktiv auf Kund:innen zu, begeisterst sie von unseren Leistungen und repräsentierst die Marke "Sparkasse" nach außen</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Du unterstützt unsere Kunden bei Fragen im Tagesgeschäft und an unseren SB-Geräten im Foyer</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Im Rahmen deiner Tätigkeit leistest du einen wichtigen Beitrag für den Erfolg der Sparkasse Schwaz</li> </ul> </div> <h3 itemprop="qualifications-title" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_h3">Dein Background</h3> <div itemprop="qualifications" class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <ul class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_ul"> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Du willst deine Zukunft selbst in die Hand nehmen</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Quereinsteiger sind bei uns willkommen</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Du hast eventuell schon Erfahrung im Finanzsektor im Vertrieb</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Spaß an der Arbeit und auf der Suche nach einer neuen Herausforderung</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Kommunikationsstärke und Verkaufstalent</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Internet, MS-Office und Apps gehören für dich zum Alltag </li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Perfekte Deutschkenntnisse </li> </ul> </div> <h3 itemprop="jobBenefits-title" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_h3">Unser Angebot</h3> <div itemprop="jobBenefits" class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <ul class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_ul"> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Fachliche und persönliche Weiterentwicklung mit modernen und zukunftsorientierten Aus- und Weiterbildungsangeboten</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Es erwartet dich ein modernes Arbeitsumfeld (Handy, In-Ears, Laptop usw.)</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Entdecke unsere attraktiven Benefits wie zum Beispiel Essenszuschuss, Freizeit und Sport, Vergünstigungen im Handel und Angebote zur Gesundheitsvorsorge uvm.</li> <li class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_li">Dein Gehalt werden wir auf Grundlage deiner fachlichen und persönlichen Kompetenzen marktkonform vereinbaren - der Sparkassenkollektivvertrag bildet dafür die Basis</li> </ul> </div> <div itemprop="contact" class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <h3 class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_h3"></h3> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"></div> <h3 class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_h3">Kontakt</h3> <strong class="m4j_stern"> <div itemprop="contact" class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> Elke Meisburger </div> </strong> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <a class="m4j_button m4j_stern m4j_zzel_a" href="" target="_blank"> <span class="m4j_stern m4j_center">Online bewerben</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern m4j_footer"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern m4j_social"> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <p class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_p"> <span class="m4j_stern"> Finden Sie uns auf: </span> </p> <p class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_p"></p> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_a"><img src="" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"></a><a href="" target="_blank" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_a"><img src="" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"></a><a href="" target="_blank" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_a"><img src="" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"></a><a href="" target="_blank" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_a"><img src="" class="m4j_stern m4j_zzel_img"></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="m4j_zzel_div m4j_stern m4j_siegel"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style type="text/css"> div.job_details html,div.job_details body,div.job_details div,div.job_details span,div.job_details applet,div.job_details object,div.job_details iframe,div.job_details p,div.job_details blockquote,div.job_details pre,div.job_details a,div.job_details abbr,div.job_details acronym,div.job_details address,div.job_details big,div.job_details cite,div.job_details code,div.job_details del,div.job_details dfn,div.job_details em,div.job_details img,div.job_details ins,div.job_details kbd,div.job_details q,div.job_details s,div.job_details samp,div.job_details small,div.job_details strike,div.job_details sub,div.job_details sup,div.job_details tt,div.job_details var,div.job_details u,div.job_details i,div.job_details center,div.job_details dl,div.job_details dt,div.job_details dd,div.job_details fieldset,div.job_details form,div.job_details label,div.job_details legend,div.job_details table,div.job_details caption,div.job_details tbody,div.job_details tfoot,div.job_details thead,div.job_details tr,div.job_details th,div.job_details td,div.job_details article,div.job_details aside,div.job_details canvas,div.job_details details,div.job_details embed,div.job_details figure,div.job_details figcaption,div.job_details footer,div.job_details header,div.job_details hgroup,div.job_details menu,div.job_details nav,div.job_details output,div.job_details ruby,div.job_details section,div.job_details summary,div.job_details time,div.job_details mark,div.job_details audio,div.job_details video{border:0;font-size:1em;font:inherit;vertical-align:baseline;margin:0;padding:0;line-height:normal}div.job_details ol,div.job_details ul,div.job_details li{border:0;font-size:1em;font:inherit;vertical-align:baseline;padding:0;line-height:normal}div.job_details h1,div.job_details h2,div.job_details h3,div.job_details h4,div.job_details h5,div.job_details h6,div.job_details b,div.job_details strong{border:0;font-size:1em;font:inherit;font-weight:bolder;vertical-align:baseline;margin:0;padding:0;line-height:normal}div.job_details article,div.job_details aside,div.job_details details,div.job_details figcaption,div.job_details figure,div.job_details footer,div.job_details header,div.job_details hgroup,div.job_details menu,div.job_details nav,div.job_details section{display:block}div.job_details body{line-height:1}div.job_details ol,div.job_details ul{list-style:initial;padding-inline-start:40px;}div.job_details blockquote,div.job_details q{quotes:none}div.job_details blockquote:before,div.job_details blockquote:after,div.job_details q:before,div.job_details q:after{content:none}div.job_details table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0}div.job_details *, *:before, *:after{box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-box-sizing: content-box}div.job_details h1 { font-size: 2em; margin: .67em 0 }div.job_details h2 { font-size: 1.5em; margin: .75em 0 } div.job_details h3 { font-size: 1.17em; margin: .83em 0 } div.job_details h4, div.job_details p, div.job_details blockquote, div.job_details fieldset, div.job_details form, div.job_details dl, div.job_details dir, div.job_details menu { margin: 1.12em 0px 1.12em 0px} div.job_details ul, div.job_details ol { margin: 1.12em 1.12em 1.12em 1.12em} div.job_details h5 { font-size: .83em; margin: 1.5em 0 } div.job_details h6 { font-size: .75em; margin: 1.67em 0 } div.job_details blockquote { margin-left: 40px; margin-right: 40px } div.job_details menu, dd { margin-left: 40px } div.job_details i { font-style: italic } </style></body></html> 2024-11-30 Bezirk Schwaz Bezirk Schwaz Dieses Jobangebot wurde vor 21 Tagen veröffentlichtAnsprechpartner
Frau Elke Meisburger, MSc
Abteilungsleiterin Personalmanagement
Franz-Josef-Straße 8-10
6130 Schwaz
Telefon: 05 0100 - 77300
Abteilungsleiterin Personalmanagement
Franz-Josef-Straße 8-10
6130 Schwaz
Telefon: 05 0100 - 77300
Informationen zum Arbeitgeber
Wir sind stets auf der Suche nach kompetenten und engagierten MitarbeiterInnen in unterschiedlichen Bereichen, die gemeinsam mit unseren KundInnen, die Herausforderungen der Zukunft erfolgreich meistern wollen.
Ob Sie bereits über langjährige Berufserfahrung mit Privat- oder Firmenkunden verfügen und auf der Suche nach einer neuen Herausforderung sind oder ob Sie neu ins Berufsleben einsteigen.
Gerne sprechen wir mit Ihnen über mögliche passende Stellenangebote und attraktive Karrierechancen.